Monday, May 28, 2012

Yes, it's been a while ... I can explain

Okay , so I'm sure I've said at some point that the procrastinator in me is terrible and often neglects the important things in life ... Wel this time I actually have a good excuse . First , life (in all her wonder and mystery ) had decided to distract me for quite a while . A good few months to be exact . And also (this is the real reason ) my computer kept crashing therefore I couldn't blog even if I wanted to . Which I did , because I usually have something to say about ... Well everything . Anyway for the past few months I've (as expected ) changed . I find myself wondering if that's a good thing and on the whole , yes . I like to think I've grown in a way that makes me more aware of life and those who are in my life . Right now , midyear exams are upon me and I am coping . Well , that's what I tell myself . Where I am from (the southern hemisphere to be specific ) winter has begun to slowly creep in . In the summery city I inhibit , it is merely a chill with temperatures most would consider quite hot . There's always a sort of magic in winter . As dull as it may seem , it is in the dying of the old (once so beautiful and fresh ) that makes way for something new . Many describe winter as a slump in ones life . That one must be going through trials and hardship in the winter . I disagree . The winter of ones life , is where you find what you truly are . The strength you possess and the newfound appreciation for Life in its summer , spring and autumn . The evergreen relationships become clear when winter arrives . Those common summer saplings wither away at the first sign of frost . It's only after the winter gas melted away that the (hardy and true ) seeds you had sown before (when life was still warm and relaxed , not much effort put in really ) appear . Be it with friends , family , work or any aspect of your life . You realize that the ones you thought you could shelter under in a storm , weren't really there after all . And (unexpectedly and quite serendipitous ) you see the people in your life who are there, evergreen and true . Winter is also when you gather your resources and just slow down . Obviously (emotionally and blog-wise ) I've had a bit of a long winter ... Cue cynical laughter . Now , to digress on a totally different note (because one can only drag a winter themed analogy for so long ) I have decided to embrace my status as an Atypical Indian (in case the name of the blog did not give this away , I am Indian ) . Now , what is an Atypical Indian ? Well , one that doesn't intend on being : a doctor , engineer , accountant , nuclear physicist or computer whizz . Yes , all stereotypical jobs , but it's kinda true . When one says that they actually want something else as a career choice , God forbid some older relative hears you . Now I get that it's all about trying to create a generation of successful people and that they want the best for you . But my question is , why can't we dream of a success in a way that does not require us to be maths boffins or scientifically perfect people ? Why aren't the dreamers , poets , creators of things (or even those who are gifted in other ways , not nessecarily artistic , just different ) prized if they achieve brilliance , like the others , if they receive mediocrity ? I fully understand that they are on completely different levels , but why chastise a child for being weaker at things you deem to be superior ? And then downplay their strengths ? Back to my flippant term for myself , an atypical indian is one who defies the norms expected and actually doesn't give a hoot if the aunts from across the road's daughter is a Physics whizz or If Uncle So-and-so's son is "such a lovely child " (regardless of his actual qualities as a person . But because he knows how to fix your computer if it crashes . They're probably great people (more than often , not haha ) and well done to them for being hardworking smart people . But why don't you talk about that girl who became a successful performer ? Or that boy who ended up starting a design company that made millions ? Yes , we should encourage excellence . But maybe for once , look at how each person has a streak of brilliance and instead of clouding it with your expectations of each and everyone of them to be Typical , why not polish that ? . So for now ( and the questionable amount or time that I may disappear to ) I shall let you insert an inspirational afterthought [here]