Dear You,
You're having a day. Not a bad day or a good day but the sort of day that opens up your chest and your heart feels raw.I want you to remember this, in a year from now and every year for the rest of your life:
You're a good friend. You give and love and cheer for people and that is the best thing. You need to keep screaming hoarse and take a moment to listen for those who scream and cheer for you. You do not have time to waste on those who will not even whisper for you. Those who will not smile for your joy.
You must remember that your nature is one that forgives and understands and no matter how angry you feel - know that you need to be this person more than other people need it. Nurture your soul and forgive yourself. Remember that the things you resent about others that have hurt you, have built you to be better. To be kinder and to have a greater capacity for love.
You probably are having a weird week. Exam season depresses and you must must must remember that you carry light within you. You carry grace at your heels and you hold a flame that you cannot give others permission to extinguish.
If we're going to use June 9th to remember that good friends are jewels and that we must prune away those who are toxic- so be it. Nothing can hurt you in a way that lasts, so don't let it. You are fierce and majestic and so carefully made.
As always, I want the best for you and I want you to remember that you want that too. Choose kindness. Cruelty is a choice and you never have to make it.
All my love
Love your writing so much.