Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hello old friend, won't you sit down?

Greetings dear readers

So I've had this blog since I was in Grade 10 and a lot of you have been wonderful in constantly reading this, giving me feedback and just letting me know that I haven't been spouting out nonsense into the vast unknown and some of you are listening. I would love to have a conversation with all of you but alas that is not possible. 

But lets pretend for a second it is, you are sitting with me and drinking a warm beverage (tea perhaps? I would be drinking water or juice because I can't abide by tea or most hot drinks) and we could talk. I'm sure it would be as if we were old friends and you'd see the anxiety in my eyes as I prepare for my final exams. I would ask about your passions in life and maybe ask what food you liked to eat. There would be no need to say much because by being here, you already know so much about me and my inner workings. But you don't quite know the random, ordinary stuff about me? Yeah I thought so. 

To be very honest, I'm just some seventeen year old girl who is secretly shy but also a public speaker and at one point debator. Slightly schizophrenic? Yes but shh my friends don't know that inside I'm terrified of stuff too. I'm opinionated but I try very hard to keep an open mind ( I generally can't stand people who won't listen to various ideas unless it conforms with their own beliefs. Your mind is an umbrella - it won't be of use unless you open it). I value family and how even people who aren't directly related to you, can be just as close as a sister or brother. I'm a quitter of note in terms of things I've tried - Bharatha Natyam (spelling is probably off, it's Indian classical dance), piano, belly dancing( though I really loved and wanted to continue that), debating (ditto. Adored it) and yoga ( I'm pretty sure the instructer died though). To be very honest I really wanted to do violin, ballet and synchro swimming- would have stuck with those. Everything else about me is on Twitter. 

Enough about that, the real reason I've asked you over for a chat is to say Thank you. I am grateful that you've made this girl who wanted to write have a reason to keep going on( and often going off on a tangent). For the past two years, I've shared my naive tales of high school and next week that journey will officially end. My dad said to me last week that after I write my last exam, things will change. It's a coming of age and you aren't that kid anymore. I'm glad I got to share those stories and my thoughts with many of you. Maybe you've seen me grow( if I grew at all) or picked up that my tale about Dubai was "Part 1" and almost a year later Part 2 about Thailand never came up( I never got around to finishing that post). Maybe you wanted to know if I still cry in the bathtub, I'm happy to report that I haven't cried there in a while. I'm eating healthy and getting over my old demons that lurk in the mirror. And Cousin A is still a douche. And I still wash my hair at odd hours if the morning. I'm sticking to my story with the Survival Guide and my heroes are still out there showing Life how its supposed to be done. 

The next time I'm gonna be able to post will be after the last paper has been written and my uniform put away for the last time. The past two years have been a learning curve and yeah.. Thanks for sharing it with me. 

Until we meet again, my friend


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