I do it on the bus, the train, sometimes before a lecture and occasionally when waiting in traffic. It doesn't last long, usually a few minutes and then it's over. Have I sent you a Game Request telling you what I'm doing? No.
Candy Crush has become a much condemned, nay despised game by people who do not play it (and a lot of us who do play it) because users will incessantly send out requests to their Facebook friends. If you're into being detested and mocked then go ahead and send me another game request.
I'm currently on level 270 (ok I'm stuck right now) (blame peak traffic for this). I'm not asking you to do anything. I'm not sending a plea to help me and I'm certainly not begging you for an extra life so I can get past the level. It's just a game that passes the time for me, it doesn't have to be your problem.
I think the only times I've sent Candy Crush requests were when:
1) A friend and I agreed that if I was stuck in Gingerblade Glade any longer (trying to unlock the quest), I could send him a request and he would ask if ever he was stuck for a few weeks. Mutual acceptance of the dreaded request.
2) My Significant Other was the other invite for the one above. The last one I decided to send to someone who had plagued me with requests for lives. That was a mistake. I have probably received 54 requests from her alone.
In reality 30 minutes isn't a long time, if you run out of lives then put the phone down and do something productive. 12 hours isn't a long time, if you finish the quest then wait until you can play again. Instant gratification for you is an annoying notification for the rest of the population. DID YOU KNOW YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO CONNECT TO FACEBOOK? I put my data off and play without really needing to have popups to send people lives/extra moves/ my soul/a gift.
I enjoy the game. It's a simple concept that appeals to the parts of your brain that like rewards. But I am tired now, of having the same inane requests.A friend of mine told me that someone he knows actually texted,called and IM'd him to ask if he had seen their game request. Those are the people we don't need in our lives. Or on Facebook.
Yay you got a higher score on level 77, is it really necessary to post that irrelevant piece of information onto my wall? I don't care. I play, it passes the time on my daily commute to university. My mum plays, she doesn't even have Facebook. She's even told me to leave her phone alone when I've offered to do a level for her.
But I know that the real motivation for the statuses that declare that they will unfriend people who they have who send a CC request:
1) The imbeciles who send them, barely know you. They make no effort to communicate with you, nor do they actually read your blog (cough cough), sorry I meant they don't actually care. Same thing really.
2) Its the same idiot, again and again.
3) They don't even play the game, they don't care. Why do you fill up their notifications with crap?
I've decided to send the people who send me game requests a link to my blog. Afterwards they are free to decide. And by "free"I mean I will post this link all over their walls until they stop. You can do the same (all press is good press). Don't send me lives, extra moves or a Lollipop Hammer. Do something worthwhile between your CC lives replenishing if it is such a vital part of your life.It says more about you than it does about me if you can't find something to do for 30 minutes.
Refuse to abide by my terms and I will sugar crush you.
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